Hi Riccardo,
* Riccardo Stagni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-03-10 23:29]:
> On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 10:35:32PM +0100, Nico Golde wrote:
> > I tried to reproduce this using the same locale 
> > ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), setting it as LC_ALL and invoking newsbeuter 
> > in urxvt.  Even using exactly the same library versions as 
> > you I fail to reproduce this. No crash, everything gets 
> > displayed fine.
> > 
> > Can you provide any additional information on how to 
> > reproduce this?
> please try setting the LANG variable: with LANG=C it works but
> displays "?" instead the offending "à". If instead I use the usual
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (or also it_IT.UTF-8) it crashes.

No problem, still not crashing :/
"newsbeuter 0.8 - Articoli nel feed 'Il blog di Bologna 
Spettro della bolognesità' (10 non letti, 10 totale)"

So everything seems to be fine. I forwarded this to the 
upstream author, maybe he has an idea.

Kind regards
P.S. Did you experience this also with older versions or are 
you a new user?
Nico Golde - http://www.ngolde.de - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - GPG: 0x73647CFF
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