Le 15.03.2008 11:00:38, Johan Walles a écrit :
>I've researched this a bit, and one way that could possibly trigger a
>core for you would be this:
>0. Make sure you don't have any bubblemons running.
>1. ulimit -c unlimited
>2. /usr/libexec/bubblemon-gnome2
>3. Add bubblemon to a panel.

Ermmmm... all that seems very cryptic and black magic.

Nevertheless, I tried.

I had to change /usr/libexec to /usr/lib/bubblemon

then I get:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] % /usr/lib/bubblemon/bubblemon-gnome2 --oaf-
activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_BubblemonApplet_Factory --oaf-ior-fd=21

The terminal stays in this state. I put the applet on a panel....and 
bubblemon never crahses (or not yet, but generally it should have 

When I <Ctrl>C the process in the terminal, then I get the crash... but 
no core.



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