Stephan A Suerken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> using schroot in sid (or etch), it is easy to create a configuration
> that writes out of device boundaries (while I guess the real problem is
> in device mapper); on a 2.6.24 system, it freezed the whole system (no
> logs available ;), on other kernels (my also depend on lvm setup;) it
> "only" corrupts the fs.

schroot only calls the "lvcreate" command, as you could do from the
command-line, and then mounts the newly-created device.  I don't think
I can do much about this problem in schroot--as you point out, it is a
problem in device-mapper.

I can really only suggest that this bug be reassigned to either the
lvm2 package, or (more likely) the kernel--a hard lock up if a serious


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux   
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