On Tuesday 17 May 2005 00:56, Martin Zobel-Helas wrote:
> On Monday, 16 May 2005, you wrote:
> > Try to first change your sources.list to sarge,
> > apt-get update
> > apt-get install aptitude
> > and then
> > aptitude dist-upgrade.
> >
> > aptitude is a C++ program and support for C++ in hppa-woody is, hum,
> > limited (e.g. no exception support).
> I will add this to the release notes.

Looking also at the discussion today on d-devel, I think the general 
procedure advised in the release notes should be as follows:

- Make sure sources.list points to woody
- apt-get update
- apt-get install aptitude
- Change sources.list to point to sarge
- apt-get update
- aptitude install aptitude dpkg
- aptitude -f --with-recommends dist-upgrade

This means that for hppa only an extra note would have to be added near 
the second 'apt-get update' that using aptitude there may cause a 
segfault. (I've also seen 'aptitude update' fail on i386 when Woody's 
version is used.)

Frans Pop

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