Hallo Thibaut

Thanx for the fast answer.

> >  Is the file opened at start and closed on normal shutdown
> >  (whith start-stop-daemon)?

> No. The records file is only open when necessary. The daemon doesn't
> write directly to that file either. It writes to a temporary file and
> then moves it in place of the old records file. I don't see how that

> think that the default update interval of 60s is probably overkill and
> prone to that kind of situation...

Temporary write and move, then this must be the problem (what else?).

> >  I suggest to open the file, write whatever and close immedately
> >  every time. 

> Which is exactly what is done, afaik.

> >  Suggested cronjob workaround (not tested):
> >  @daily  /etc/init.d/uptimed restart

> How's that suppose to help?

All files are closed and opended again (but that isn't the way the 
program works, you say).

I tried to kill -9 the job several times, but the error was not 
reproducable (random 1 returns 0..9 randomly):
# while true; do sleep $((55 + $(random 1) )); kill -9 $(ps aux | 
grep -v grep | grep uptim | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f2); sleep 
3; /etc/init.d/uptimed start; cat /var/spool/uptimed/records; done

> Out of curiosity, what filesystem are you using on your system? In
> particular what file system is used on /var/spool/uptimed ?

From /etc/fstab:
/dev/hda8       /var            xfs     defaults        0       2

From <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XFS>:
> Journaling is an approach to guaranteeing file system consistency even
> in presence of power failures or system crashes. XFS provides
> journaling for file system metadata, where file system updates are
> first written to a serial journal before the actual disk blocks are
> updated.    
> ....
> Where recently modified data has not been flushed to disk before a 
> system crash, XFS ensures that any unwritten data blocks are zeroed on 
> reboot, .... XFS's journaling procedures are similar to
> the "writeback" level of ext3.  

The part "unwritten data blocks are zeroed" could be the problem. What 
do you think?

I will set the update interval to 600s and pray ;-)



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