Package: guilt
Version: 0.28-1

Documentation/Makefile contains:

        echo "(Generated for Guilt `git-describe`)" > version.txt

However, git-describe:

 * Doesn't print a version number when inside a Git repository:

     ~/local/git/debian/pkg-pypy% git-describe
     fatal: cannot describe '648f715477c1f50f01c847689fa931c953e9c19e'

 * Doesn't print a version number when outside of a Git repository:

     /tmp/madeup% git-describe
     fatal: not a git repository

   (Also note that this is printed to stderr)

 * Doesn't Build-depends on git-core.

I would guess that the idea of calling git-describe is so that the
maintainer, who maintains inside git, can get the exact version number.
This, however, doesn't work when using the .orig.tar.gz.


Chris Lamb, UK                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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