On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 4:17 PM, Daniel Baumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Martin-Éric Racine wrote:
>  > The only drawback I can see is how to keep track of upstream
>  > version versus Debian package version. Having separate source packages
>  > makes it easy, because the binary target also reflects the upstream
>  > version number.
>  right. however, I'd like to use the same version scheme we use for
>  linux-modules-extra-2.6 in future for firmware-nonfree too (whereas the
>  'kernel-version' from lme version would be translated to the
>  firmware-nonfree source package version). That solves your concern about
>  version numbers. Do you have any others?

This provides a match against a kernel package version, which says
nothing of the upstream firmware version that the binary package
provides. As those firmware blobs don't tend to be specific to a
kernel build, this version scheme isn't very practical.

Martin-Éric Racine

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