Op 13-04-08 21:20, schreef Lucas Nussbaum:
> On 14/02/08 at 01:44 +0100, Danai SAE-HAN (韓達耐) wrote:
>> Op 13-02-08 17:18, schreef Lucas Nussbaum:
>>> During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build on 
>>> i386.
>>> Seems that the parallel build stuff still has problems...
>> Doh!  Thanks for running this package again on your grid.  I'm so honoured!
> Well, I introduced that bug myself. ;)
> Here is a patch that fixes it. The problem is there's a race condition
> in your makefile, with the ordering of pre-clean and clean-$font when
> running make with -j.

I see!  That's why it won't work.  My computer probably can't handle
simultaneous jobs, because I need to buy an extra memory stick. ;D

Thanks a bunch for your patch!

> If you don't want to spend hours rebuilding the package, I could do
> that and upload the NMU, if you want.

Nah, that's okay.  I'll rebuild it tonight, and send it to the Debian TeX
maintainers and my DD sponsor.


Danai SAE-HAN (韓達耐)



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