
In Bug #277955 against smartlist, Cord Beermann complained about the
default subscription message given by smartlist and suggested to add
the word "been", which he says it's "missing".

In the closing message for such bug, I explain why adding such word is
incorrect, but since apparently the "missing" word has been added to
the smartlist version in anyway, it seems I have to
explain it again.

Second try:

The original message says:

You have added to the subscriber list of $listaddr
the following mail address: $subscraddr

The above sentence may be reworded as follows:

You have added the following mail address: $subscraddr to the
subscriber list of $listaddr.

However, the current message at says:

You have been added to the subscriber list of: $listaddr
the following mail address: $subscraddr.

If we reorder the phrase as before, it would become:

You have been added the following mail address: $subscraddr to the
subscriber list of: $listaddr

which is complete nonsense. Either "been" or "the following mail
address: $subscraddr" should be removed from the sentence for it
to make some sense.

Please rewrite the welcome message in correct english. By adding a word
"been" which was not missing, the result becomes grammatically incorrect.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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