Timm Essigke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> thanks a lot!

> If I put [EMAIL PROTECTED] first in .k5login it works with password
> authentication.

> Nice workaround! Or isn't it a bug but a feature!?

> What I would expect is that it takes the principal given as user for ssh
> and doesn't touch .k5login if Kerberos authentication fails...

> Anyway the problem seems not to be the package, but upstream.

Well, the way that this is supposed to work from a Kerberos perspective is
that the .k5login file represents a mapping from Kerberos principals to
local usernames.  So when the .k5login file is present, Kerberos should
not make the assumption that the username corresponds to the principal by
the same name in the default local realm, and instead should verify the
principal used to access the account against the membership of the
.k5login file.

This is a very important feature that some sites rely on, since they have
local users that conflict with principal names in their local realms that
should not be accessible to the user that has that principal.

The ideal behavior from the Kerberos perspective would be to have the user
be able to both specify the account they're logging on to and the Kerberos
principal that they're going to use for password authentication, since
they can be different.  There's no good way to support that, though.

Failing that, what *I'd* actually expect (and what we've patched Kerberos
to do locally at Stanford) is for the provided password to be checked
against every principal listed in .k5login, which would result in .k5login
being used the same way for both password login and for verification of
native Kerberos login via ssh-krb5, klogind, etc.  I need to separate out
those patches and try to sell the Kerberos maintainers on the idea.

That would really not give you the semantics that you want, though, if you
want to restrict password logins to only one particular account but allow
many other accounts to access the server via Kerberos login.  You're
currently relying on something of an odd corner case, arguably a bug, in
the way that .k5login checking works in combination with a
username/password login.  I would be a bit leery of relying on that
behavior (of only checking the first line of .k5login) to remain unchanged
in the future.

Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])             <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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