Le vendredi 02 mai 2008 à 00:33 +0100, martin f krafft a écrit :
> also sprach Bug#445379 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.05.01.2331 +0100]:
> > this package depends on python2.4, because the __jpilotmodule.so
> > module is linked to libpython. This is bad and completely
> > unnecessary practice.
> The problem seems to be that this thing uses swig and thus needs
> libpython, at least this is how I understand it.
> What to do? Limit it to python2.5?

When the module is loaded, all symbols from libpython2.x are available
to functions inside the module, so this should not be a problem to
simply remove the -lpython2.x in the final link line.

If this still doesn’t work, you can use a shlibs.local file, but this
should really be a last-resort solution.

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