tags 480043 + confirmed

OoO En  ce début de  soirée du mercredi  07 mai 2008, vers  21:37, "Ivan
Vucica" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait:

>> I am  not able to  reproduce the problem.  Does it appear even  when you
>> reinstall  the  package   (aptitude  reinstall  roundcube-core)?

> Yes, it appears even after reinstalling; in fact it appears twice:
> once during "preconfiguring packages" step and once during "setting
> up" step.

OK, I am able to reproduce the  problem in a pbuilder chroot. I have the
question once though. I'll try to fix it.

Treat end of file conditions in a uniform manner.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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