
The prospective adopter of wmakerconf, Herbert P. Fortes Neto, has
contacted me (I am a previous maintainer and upstream of the package)
privately and told me that he no longer has interest in maintaining it.

He did already make a new upstream release, version 2.12, which is not
yet in Debian.  In the interests of including the fixes from that
version into the next Debian release, I plan to make an upload of
wmakerconf 2.12 on behalf of QA.  (Note that I am not re-adopting the
package however.)

Although it has not been updated since September 2006, I do not think
this package should be removed from Debian at this time.  The popcon
figures are quite high (inst: 801, vote: 143, recent: 36) and as far as
I know the package works fine.

I'll try to look into #466513/#468390 and get more info from the
submitter before making the upload of 2.12.  (Submitter of those bugs
appears to be running Ubuntu so I'm not sure why the reports found their
way to the Debian BTS.)

best regards,

Kevin B. McCarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
WWW: http://www.starplot.org/
WWW: http://people.debian.org/~kmccarty/
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