Le vendredi 09 mai 2008 à 11:19 +0200, Nicolas Spalinger a écrit :

> BTW, I strongly disagree with choosing an offensive name for a renamed
> derivative. Bad form. IMHO this is not what this community is about.

I didn't advise that seriously. Upstream requested a renaming when I
asked its opinion about rebuilding from sfds, so renaming it is, and
it'd better be the same for all the people that rebuild from sources. In
in fact it made me put old standard on hold till I found a good name
and/or argument to convince upstream to change its mind.

>  A sane
> license is a good first step, the fully free sources and the fully free
> build path will stem from that (as some designers are now doing) but
> making them a strict requirement for everyone/everywhere is going to
> prevent *many designers* from joining our community.

Another upstream argument was fontforge just changes all the time and he
does not want to have to follow it closely.

> /me goes back the LGM talks.
> I'll report back to you guys about the stuff happening here around fonts.

That would be nice.

Nicolas Mailhot

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