Hi Raphael,

Raphael Hertzog schrieb am Sun 11. May, 15:22 (+0200):
> On Sun, 11 May 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Please make all and create new /var/log/dpkg.log* in 644 mode.
> > I see no reason for not letting users see what is going on.
> > The can do dpkg -l anyway, and the only files not readable by the user
> > in e.g., /var/lib/dpkg/ are some 0 byte lock files too.
> Why should this log file be treated differently?

Exactly this is the question. Why is the status file world readable, but
the log files aren't. Can any important informations go into the log

I would like to have access to the log file as user to see if the admin
has updated any TeX packages, because I have to update the cache (with
updmap) for my private fonts.

Bye, Jörg.
Geld allein macht nicht glücklich, aber es ist besser in einem Taxi zu
weinen, als in der Straßenbahn.
                                                (Marcel Reich‐Ranicki)

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