
the latest eboard version, 1.1.1, as well as earlier ones, will silently
ignore pawn moves in PGN files that are suffixed with "?!". As this
seems to be valid SAN notation and eboard is doing just fine when any
other figure move is commented "?!", this is unexpected behaviour.

You can easily verify this with the attached minimal PGN file. The b5?!,
d4?!, etc. half-moves will simply not show up at all.

Another thing to note is that if any of these half-moves are annotated,
the annotation is still shown, although the move is not.

Please have a look into this issue. In replies, please always include a
copy to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cc) so the Debian BTS can
track progress.

Kind regards,

Attachment: mini.pgn
Description: application/chess-pgn

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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