Alexander Sack wrote:

However, this is not a solution as the "import" function within
Thunderbird doesn't allow me to import all my mozilla mail files after
the fact. This does seem like a strange omission, since clearly the
capability of importing a mozilla mail address book, for example, is
there. Call me lazy, but the prospect of setting up everything
manually through exports and imports is too much work right now -
especially since I have no guarantee that it will work any better than
the automatic import.  :)

Please look here:
... and try to verify if you can workaround in the same way the reporter


Rather than commenting out the lines in prefs.js, I did a global search & replace to "correct" the relative paths. That seems to have fixed the problem. However, I am curious about why the relative paths even exist. They seem to point to the original Mozilla Mail mailboxes that the Thunderbird mailboxes were imported from. For example:

user_pref("", "/home/garydale/.mozilla-thunderbird/euen35cm.default/Mail/"); user_pref("", "[ProfD]../../../../../mnt/communications/NETSCAPE/Users/garydale/Mail/");

are two consecutive lines from the original prefs.js file that seem to refer to the same account. One of the comments suggests that the directory-rel is the one being used, which implies that the whole importing of mail is just a waste of disk space. The other comment states that I can safely remove the directory-rel entries.

Can you clarify this issue? What is the purpose of each of the entries?

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