On Wed, Jun 01, 2005 at 18:20:20 +0200, Carsten Luedtke wrote:
> Since 1.4 a new tool, "ssindex", can be build for gnumeric. It's needed to
> index spreadsheet files with beagle, but could be used through other
> projects in future. 
> If we have it in the package, then it will be easier to build beagle with
> support for these files. It's only a small tool

Not really - it's nearly the same size as the gnumeric and ssconvert
binaries. I don't feel like bloating the gnumeric package, nor do I feel
like bloating the package count further.

Upstream is currently working towards a dynamic library for the core of
gnumeric; once we have my package bloat concern will be addressed and I'll
add ssindex at that point.

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