On mer, 2008-07-09 at 14:00 +0300, Gediminas Paulauskas wrote:
> One of the major changes in Trac 0.11 is the migration to a new
> template language, Genshi. Thus the dependencies are wrong
> The versions from http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracInstall would be
> Depends: python-genshi (>= 0.5)
> Recommends: python-docutils (>= 0.3.9 ), python-pygments | enscript, python-tz
> Suggests: python-clearsilver (>= 0.9.3)

  True, and Trac still supports old Clearsilver code. If no .cs files
are distributed in the Trac package, I guess having it as Suggests: is
just fine.

> I have listed only the packages which should be changed, others are OK AFAICS.
> Except I have no idea why trac package Suggests: php5-cli.

  This is used for PHP source code highlighting, which is a popular
feature. Alhtough Trac 0.11 is advertised as using now Pygments
(http://pygments.pocoo.org/) as the default highlighter (not tested

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