In addition to source port randomization, one would also like TID (Transaction 
ID) randomization.  Up until now, python-dns provided neither.  2.3.1-4 pulls 
a patch from the upstream CVS repository that will provide a random TID when 
packets are created.  

The patch does not re-randomize the TID if a packet has to be retried due to 
timeouts.  It also does not randomize the port.  The Lenny/Sid kernel will do 
this for python-dns, but the Etch kernel will not.  

Upstream is still working on the issue.  I expect a new upstream release 
tomorrow that fully supports TID randomization and another release once the 
port randomization is coded and tested (it's a rather more complex change).  
Once both those are in hand, I'll prepare a diff for the security team for 

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