Quoth Sven Joachim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 2008-07-23 09:21:52 +0200:
> > I see that while gnuclient was silent on success, emacsclient prints a
> > "Waiting for Emacs..." message.  I realize this might be useful in
> > some cases, but it seems irritating.
> I think the message should be printed by default to inform the user that
> it's time to switch to Emacs (it may not always be clear that the user
> is supposed to edit a file).

<extra-ignorable curiosity>

Is that really true in the common case?  server-raise-frame defaults
to t, and I would expect most people using emacsclient to be running
X, which means that the behavior should be similar enough to invoking
a separate X editor already: a window (Emacs frame) pops to the top of
the stack with the file to edit, and there shouldn't need to be a
separate notification on the terminal.

Searching the Web for "gnuclient should print message" and the like
turns up nothing, so either people didn't care that gnuclient was
silent, or they didn't say anything about it.  I suppose I can imagine
running Emacs inside one part of a Screen session or something, but
that seems comparatively uncommon.  But I'm not really in touch with
the Emacs user community, so I don't know.

Anyway, it doesn't matter much so long as the message can be turned on
and off (and really it doesn't matter _that_ much anyway---just a
minor annoyance).

</extra-ignorable curiosity>

> >  A patch is attached to add a --quiet option.
> Thanks! Can you please send this upstream, i.e. to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I should probably make sure it applies against the upstream sources,
then, right?  I'll go look at the Savannah CVS access and try to
submit a patch against the latest CVS version or so, probably.  Thanks
for the response.

> Kind regards,
> Sven

   ---> Drake Wilson

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