hi martin,

i still can't reproduce the problem, using the example you cut/pasted or by 
downloading the script in question (i had to comment out a few unrelated 
functions and insert a (false) somewhere to get the code to execute.  do you 
have a specific timezone set?   is this on a lenny/sid system or are you 
using backports?


On Wednesday 23 July 2008 02:34:52 pm Martin Sebald wrote:
> Hello Sean!
> >> Wordpress:
> >>> Fatal error: strftime() [<a
> >>> href='function.strftime'>function.strftime</a>]: Timezone database is
> >>> corrupt - this should *never* happen! in
> >>> /var/www/www.domain.tld/wp-content/plugins/timezone.php on line 150
> >
> > oy.  this definitely needs to be fixed then, as we're going to ship 5.2.6
> > with lenny.
> This would be a good idea then. But not everybody seems to have the
> problem.
> > is there any chance you could provide us with a short php script to
> > replicate this problem (or the one from typo3, i suspect it's the same
> > problem)?  i.e. if you could give us what's being executed on line 150
> > with any surrounding context removed (i.e. expand the variables being
> > passed to strptime() etc)?
> Here's the last part of the code:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> // Get the GMT offset from TZ
> function option_gmt_offset()
> {
>     $offset = strftime('%z', time());
>     if (substr($offset, 0, 1) == '-') {
>         $dir = -1;
>     } else {
>         $dir = 1;
>     }
>     $hr = intval(substr($offset, -4, 2));
>     $mn = intval(substr($offset, -2, 2));
>     return $dir * ($hr + ($mn / 60));
> }
> }
> $wppTimeZone =& new TimeZone;
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> You can download the whole script here:
> http://kimmo.suominen.com/sw/timezone/
> I can also provide you with Typo3 code. But it should be the same.
> > also, can you provide the output of dpkg -l tzdata ?
> I suppose you just need the version. 2008c-1 is installed and it is
> correctly installed.
> If there is anything else I can help you with feel free to contact me.
> Regards,
> Martin

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