OoO Pendant  le temps de midi  du mercredi 23 juillet  2008, vers 12:02,
Ross Burton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait :

>> 3.02 is available since some time now. Do you plan to package it? If
>> needed, I can help or take over maintainance if you are not interested
>> in xnee any more.

> I would welcome someone else taking over packaging of xnee.  You would
> be the third person to start this but not get as far as uploading to the
> archive...

Hi Ross!

I have started to  package Xnee 3.02. You can find my  current work in a
git repository:

It still  needs a bit polishing  and I am  unable to make pnee  work (it
seems that there is some hard coded path in it, I need to investigate).

> I'll happily sponsor the packages into Debian if you don't have the
> ability to upload.

If you have some  time, I would be happy that you  review the package. I
can upload myself.

fufe n'a pas de plafond. Fa fe paffe à fiel ouvert.
 -+- JR in: Guide du Cabaliste Usenet - Fiel, mon fufe ! -+-

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