> > Tim Connors <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I strongly object to the proxy environment variable overriding that in
> > the conf file, because the apt.conf setting is more specific

> I'm on same page of you.

Eh, the patch submitter attached just makes https method behave _same_ way
http and ftp methods work? Currently https behaves like this:

if http_proxy is not not set
        use apt-conf variables
        connect directly

Which, is most clearly unexpected and wrong. The rest methods work like

if http_proxy is not not set
        use apt-conf variables
        use http_proxy for proxy

If you do not intend to change that behaviour for other methods, I don't
see why reject a patch that makes https method behave different from
others. If proxy variables are used wrong, lets be atleast uniformly
wrong :)

"rm -rf" only sounds scary if you don't have backups

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