Junichi Uekawa scrisse in data 30/07/2008 09:16:
Yeah, looks like your http proxy is cutting things off at 32767 bytes.

In /usr/share/apt-listbugs/debian/bts.rb there is a value 'ParseStep =
200' which you can reduce to get the message going down.  I'm not
quite sure how low you need to make it to get through the 32k limit,
but worth trying in your environment.  I don't want to make it lower
generically because it will be a big performance hit.
10 is my value: is it not too low?. In effect performance are gone very down but now I can see bugs informations!

Thanks you very much.


Can you suggest me how can I show to the network admin that the problem is a proxy problem and not a apt-listbugs problem?

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