On Thu, 2008-08-21 at 13:19 +0200, Jordi Mallach wrote:
> Hi Adam & rest of list,
> I've been checking the archives for progress on Salomé's ITP, which
> seemed quite promising back in March. However, after the success with
> the OpenCASCADE effort, I see no more references to Salomé.
> Is the ITP stalled for some licensing reason, or do the compile problems
> still apply and have not been resolved yet?

I have resolved the compile problems, but at runtime, none of the
modules load.  (As noted in this bug, you can get the latest at
http://lyre.mit.edu/~powell/salome/ .)  I've solved this problem before,
and could solve it again.

But upstream practices are really frustrating me.  They released a new
binary 3.2.9 Salomé-MECA back in -- forgot, March? -- but with no source
code.  So any new effort I make is already obsolete.  Furthermore, they
have never released the source of the MECA extensions, even though this
is supposed to be an open source project.

To add insult to injury, they have *never* replied to ANY of my emails
or website inquiries.  (I even took the time to write to specific
developers in French, but with no reply.)  I have put a *TON* of effort
into this, on the order of 100 hours, as you can see from the nearly 50
patches, and really feel blown off and disrespected by upstream.

At some point I'll give up on upstream and go ahead and fix the 3.2.6
package, essentially maintaining a Debian fork until upstream releases
more source.  But this is a very low priority for the above reasons.

While ranting about upstream, I should thank Sylvestre Ledru for
participating in the discussion with upstream, including using some of
his contacts to try to move this along.  I hear there will be a meeting
in September to try to resolve some of these issues, and will return to
packaging work if something comes out of this process.

> PS: please CC, I'm not subscribed to this list.

[Likewise for followups.]

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