retitle 495807 Missing explicit Build-Dependency on qt4
severity 495807 important

Re: Giovanni Mascellani 2008-08-20 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'd like to build merkaartor, but dpkg-buildpackage fails a few seconds
> after having been launched. Here are the relevant lines printed to the
> screen:
> /usr/share/qt3/bin/uic AboutDialog.ui -o tmp/AboutDialog.h
> uic: File generated with too recent version of Qt Designer (4.0 vs. 3.3.8b)

Hi Giovanni,

thanks for the report.

The problem is a missing Build-Conflicts on qt3, or an explicity call
for qt4-make in debian/rules. I had fixed that locally here a while
ago, but didn't upload yet. Merkaartor builds fine if you uninstall
all qt3 stuff.

I'll ask the release people if they think this change is important
enough to make it into lenny.


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