Hi Alexander,

Many thanks for your email.
I have been willing to review rkhunter bugs before submitting it.

Le mercredi 27 août 2008 à 04:00 +0400, Solar Designer a écrit :
> FWIW, I happened to independently notice this and report it upstream a
> week ago:
> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=794190&aid=1971965&group_id=155034
> "While I am at it, I suggest that you change /tmp/rkhunter-debug to
> /var/run/rkhunter-debug.  Right now, you have a security hole allowing for
> local root compromise, although indeed the race condition is hard to
> trigger in practice.
> To those reading this: please note that this suggestion by no means
> constitutes a security review of rkhunter by me."
> I notice that the Debian package was fixed to use mktemp; I think that a
> fixed filename under /var/run would be better in this case.  Also,
> rkhunter could be patched to enforce mode 600 on the file, regardless of
> umask.  (mktemp does that, but when a fixed filename under /var/run is
> used instead, that would need to be explicit.)  Oh, and I was probably
> wrong about the race condition being hard to trigger - I forgot about
> directory notifications for a moment.

I am far from being a security expert.
Do you suggest that using /var/run/rkhunter-debug is better
than /tmp/rkhunter-debug.XXXXXXXX (created using mktemp)?
or is that still using mktemp to create a /var/run/rkhunter-debug.XXXXXX

Can you explain why it is more secure? I am ready to patch rkhunter
debian package, but need to be sure I understand well what I do!

Thanks again for your help.


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