tag 497251 + confirmed sid
retitle 497251 rsstail not installable at sid due to libmrss-abi-0.19.2 depends

On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 07:33:37PM +0200, Axel Beckert wrote:
> Hi,
Hi Axel, thanks for reporting this bug.

> although the problem exists in general, one detail of my bug report
> was wrong:
> On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 11:19:13AM +0200, Axel Beckert wrote:
> > libmrss0 version 0.19.2-1 and therefore libmrss-abi-0.19.2 has reached
> > Lenny a few days ago,
> It was a Sid machine, not a Lenny one. I seem to have mixed up two
> installations.

Indeed, I tried with a clean lenny chroot and the package installs fine
this because libmrss has not being migrated to testing.
> > but rsstail still depends on libmrss-abi-0.19.1,
> ... in Sid.

Yes, I tried this and I guess that libmrss-abi-9.19.2 depends 
is coming from ${shlibs:Depends} var, since rsstail does not explicit
depends on this package, and thus now when libmrss is not providing any more 
this package (you can have a look here: #496836) rsstail is not

> > On a fresh Lenny or Sid install,
> Only Sid (yet). Don't know if there will be a freeze exception for
> libmrss0 and libnxml0 for Lenny. We'll see.

Yes, I actually rebuild rsstail and the problem is solved I'll ask a
binNMU for this package and also I will confirm whit libmrss maintainers
if they will ask for an exception.

If you which you can get a fixed package that works good(only for
amd64 arch now) from here: http://rmayorga.org/debian/rsstail/, or you
just can rebuild it yourself for other archs :)

Rene Mauricio Mayorga   |  jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://rmayorga.org     |  
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