
On Thu, 21 Aug 2008, Francesco Poli wrote:
> Thanks for maintaing my favorite system monitor in Debian!

Thanks for your bug report!

> Since I upgraded from conky/1.5.1-1 to conky/1.6.0-1 I noticed a
> problem with its output: it seems that conky is no longer able
> to print an output longer than 256 bytes from a pre_exec
> directive.

The man page says:

  text_buffer_size bytes
    Size of the standard text buffer (default is 256 bytes).  This
    buffer is used for intermediary text, such as individual lines,
    output from $exec vars, and various other variables.  Increasing
    the size of this buffer can drastically reduce Conky's performance,
    but will allow for more text display per variable. The size of this
    buffer cannot be smaller than the default value of 256 bytes.

I don't have the man page for the older conky handy but presumably
this was not the way things were in 1.4.x. Do you think it should go
into NEWS.Debian?



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