On Saturday 20 September 2008 13:39, François Gannaz wrote:
> Thank you for taking time in investigating this. That's right, my global
> php.ini sets this parameter to 1800.
> But phpMyAdmin doesn't have to follow this default parameter. IIRC, it
> can use ini_set() to locally change the value of session.gc_maxlifetime.
> If it doesn't, it should at least mention this in its user
> documentation.

Right, I'll regard this as a documentation bug then, and I'll ask upstream to 
document that (or implement the additional feature of changing 

> If phpMyAdmin uses the default session parameters (lifetime, path,
> handler...) then any php application running on the same server can
> delete its sessions anytime. I still think it's a bug, or at least a
> lacking feature.

That can happen in any shared hosting setup where all scripts run as the 
www-data user. This is nothing that phpMyAdmin should be solving; if you're 
concerned about that a suexec+fastcgi solution may be better suited for your 


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