lør, 02 08 2008 kl. 09:50 +0200, skrev A Mennucc:
> hi,
> I cannot reproduce this problem , so I need some extra info
>  ---
> if you experience this problem with a specific file, please
> put it somewhere we can download it

It happens with all the movies I've tried playing for the last days.
I've put one of them at http://www.sslug.dk/~grove/sw-tema-lego.flv .

> please,  install the package mplayer-dbg, and
> send us a typescript of   running gmplayer
> thru gdb, for example using the command
> $  script -c 'gdb --args mplayer your_options your_movie'
> to start mplayer inside gdb, just type 'run'
> when you hit ctrl-c, gmplayer should return to gdb,
> in that case, type 'bt' to obtain a backtrace
> when you are done with gdb, type 'quit', and
> send us the 'typescript' file
> (if it is long, gzip it and send as attachment)

Although it doesn't seem to me that it offers any more information, I
'continue'd after the first bt, hit ctrl-c again and made another 'bt'.


Read http://www.caliburn.nl/topposting.html and LEARN from it.

Attachment: typescript.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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