On Sun, 28 Sep 2008, Olaf Schulz wrote:

'id' will hang forever when if not setting sizelimit 2048 in the ldap
server config.

Odd, something is likely amiss in your setup

For the reason behind this behaviour I found that libnss-ldap asked the
ldap server for the whole bunch of passwd and group entries instead of
doing a smart ldap search.

You don't show you /etc/libnss-ldap.conf - does it actually have
any filters enabled?

As our ldap userbase has more than 512 entries, I had to increas the
 sizelimit Parameter on the server as a workaround.

Via tcpdump I found that the client sent a
 LDAPMessage searchRequest(2) "ou=user,dc=in-berlin,dc=de" wholeSubtree
instead of doing a search.
I expected it doing a search like

You have to tell it what filters and base to use

ldapsearch ... 'uid=..' and
ldapsearch ... '(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid=...))' gidNumber,gidName 
for group memberships.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I cannot expect that getting the
whole table would be a reasonable approach for a larger user database.

I verified that the used ldap server is working.

from /etc/nsswitch.conf:
passwd:         files ldap
group:          files ldap
shadow:         files ldap

You configuration likely has issues, but still, you're likely to be
happier if you move to libnss-ldapd; it is less resource intensive


Good luck,

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