On 03-Oct-2008, Josselin Mouette wrote:
> I simply asked to upstream for a clarification on the use of the Xen 
> trademark, and received two unambiguous answers.

Thank you for this work.

> From Citrix:
>         Actually, for the community, you can do whatever you like.  
>         The FIT test only applies to commercially distributed Xen 
>         products - and is about ensuring compatibility between 
>         vendors.
>         Do you need more detail than that?

Yes, we do need more detail; we need to know that *any* recipient of 
Debian can redistribute the work to anyone else, modified or 
unmodified, commercially or otherwise. (Or to know that these actions 
are not allowed, so that we can remove the package from Debian.)

> And from Xen.org:
>         Thanks for your email and I am glad that Debian is 
>         continuing to support Xen in your product releases. I see no 
>         issue with Debian moving forward as you suggest at this time 
>         with Xen logo and wording usage. We are still working on the 
>         FIT test and it is not ready at this time for official 
>         publication. 

Any permission we receive for redistribution would need to be 
universal and not specific to Debian. It's not clear that is what is 
being given here.

> I think this bug can simply be closed, as there is no issue with the 
> Xen trademark.

I don't agree, I think the above issues need to be resolved.

 \     “Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” —Aldous |
  `\                                                            Huxley |
_o__)                                                                  |

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