Package: odt2txt
Version: 0.4-1

I am using an wiki system dokuwiki (apt-get install dokuwiki). The
system has an plugin that allows one to export content of a page as a
.odt file:

The resulting file can be read using openoffice's oowriter, but
attempt to open it using odt2txt causes following error:
Can't read from a.odt: Is it an OpenDocument Text?

Could well be that the problem is in the way the dokuwiki's plugin
creates the file, but unfortunately I am not in the position to tell

BTW, if I save the save back from openoffice, the file grows from 5kb
to 9kb and then it *can* be opened using odt2txt...


Attachment: a.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

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