2008/9/30 Jean-Francois Dockes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello,
> Kartik Mistry writes:
>  > On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 6:45 PM, Peter Salisbury
>  > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > > I installed recoll on a fairly sparse system and it took ages to index
>  > > every time. It was only when I ran it from a terminal that I realised
>  > > it was missing some required packages for indexing certain types of
>  > > file. Ideally a better message would be given via the UI, and/or it
>  > > would skip the types of file it can't index rather than take the time
>  > > to fail at runtime. But perhaps at least these extra packages could be
>  > > depend/recommend/suggested by recoll. The ones I had to install were:
>  > >
>  > > libimage-exiftool-perl
>  > > libid3-3.8.3-dev
>  > > pstotext
> I can think of no reason why Recoll indexing should be slower when the
> helper programs are not installed (so I'm quite probably missing
> something).
> I do agree that missing helpers should somehow be listed in the UI when
> indexing finishes, this has been on the todo list for ages, the difficulty
> is for the implementation not to get ennoying if the user doesn't want to
> install them. They are listed at the end of the error/debug log, but nobody
> looks at this of course.
> Normally, file types which can't be indexed by content (no helper package)
> are indexed by file name the first time, and then skipped if they don't
> change. After installing the helper, you need a full reindex (recollindex
> -z) to get them indexed.
> If Peter can spare some time to do more testing, I'd be quite interested by
> the output of the following sequence:
> -  Add "loglevel = 4" to ~/.recoll/recoll.conf
> -  Uninstall the 3 helper packages, then:
> time recollindex -z 2> /tmp/rcllog-znopack.txt
> time recollindex    2> /tmo/rcllog-nopack.txt
> - Reinstall the 3 packages then:
> time recollindex -z 2> /tmp/rcllog-zpack.txt
> time recollindex    2> /tmo/rcllog-pack.txt
> The log files should at least contain file names, but they might also
> contain data in some error cases. If no confidentiality issues prevent it,
> and in case the timings of the first phase are indeed longer, I'd be quite
> interested to have a look at them.
>  > > Really excellent program which found my file in the 'safe place' where
>  > > I'd lost it!
> Great, I'm glad that this thing can be of some use from time to time !
> Cheers,
> J.F. Dockes
Sorry it's taken a while, but here is the output you requested:

$ time recollindex -z 2>rcllog-znopack.txt

real    8m48.449s
user    3m49.958s
sys     2m57.675s

$ time recollindex 2>rcollog-nopack.txt

real    0m45.619s
user    0m23.909s
sys     0m13.069s

zlib1g-dev (1:
libid3-3.8.3-dev (3.8.3-7.2)
libimage-exiftool-perl (7.30-1)
pstotext (1.9-4)

$ time recollindex -z 2>rcllog-zpack.txt

real    16m23.720s
user    9m59.989s
sys     3m45.342s

$ time recollindex 2>rcllog-pack.txt

real    0m28.198s
user    0m16.405s
sys     0m4.676s

The initial indexing is quicker without the helpers as you'd expect,
but the re-indexing is slower.

I can't send you the logs I'm afraid as they would be around 100MB but
I had a look in the re-indexing log when the helpers were absent and
there are lots of lines like this:

:4:../internfile/internfile.cpp:357:FileInterner::internfile. ipath []
:4:../utils/execmd.cpp:163:ExecCmd::doexec: ((nil)|0x9828eac)
Can't locate Image/ExifTool.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl
/usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.0 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0 /usr/lib/perl5
/usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10
/usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /usr/share/recoll/filters/rclimg line
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/recoll/filters/rclimg line 61.
:2:../internfile/mh_exec.cpp:71:MimeHandlerExec: command status 0x200:
next_document error
conversion ended with no doc
:4:../rcldb/rcldb.cpp:1027:Db::add: docid 17360 updated
[/home/peter/.gkrellm2-0/themes/minegue-beta/timer/bg_timer.png , ]
[/home/peter/.gkrellm2-0/themes/minegue-beta/bg_grid.png] mime
[(null)] preview 0
image/png [/home/peter/.gkrellm2-0/themes/minegue-beta/bg_grid.png]
:4:../internfile/internfile.cpp:357:FileInterner::internfile. ipath []
:4:../utils/execmd.cpp:163:ExecCmd::doexec: ((nil)|0x97116b4)
Can't locate Image/ExifTool.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl
/usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.0 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0 /usr/lib/perl5
/usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10
/usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /usr/share/recoll/filters/rclimg line
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/recoll/filters/rclimg line 61.
:2:../internfile/mh_exec.cpp:71:MimeHandlerExec: command status 0x200:
next_document error
conversion ended with no doc

HTH, Peter

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