Hi Sylvestre,

thanks for working on this!

Am Montag, den 20.10.2008, 00:47 +0200 schrieb Sylvestre Ledru:
> It is done in the debian/rules
> The procedure is now:
> # do the configure twice (with and without the option)
> # launch the build for each configure (vpath)
> # for the "normal build",  "make install" will install in the same
> directory as before (debian/openmpi)
> # for the "static build", "make install" will install in the
> debian/libopenmpi-dev/ directory 
> # debian/rules removes everything but the static libs
> # all the other stuff for libopenmpi-dev is installed by
> libopenmpi-dev.install

This will work but I am a little confused if that is the solution we
wanted to implement. As I read your patch [0], you build both static and
shared libs and install them into the right package. IIRC there was an
issue with libmca_common_sm. Is this solved in your solution?

The solution I proposed (the GROMACS one) would go like this:

     1. Check whether DEB_BUILD_OPTS has "static-libs" (or something
        alike) set.
     2. If so, set a variable (LIB_OPTS or alike) to "--enable-static",
        otherwise to "--enable-shared".
     3. Append the variables content to the configure arguments.
     4. Build.
     5. Install the result, which is either static or shared.

With this, the package would be as is, and users can easily recompile to
get a static version. I agree that your solution of building both is
superior since both versions can be installed at the same time; if the
libmca_common issue is resolved. (If there is any.)

Please forgive my criticism, I'm just not sure whether we were talking
about the same things lately. Your work is of course welcome and

> Works for me. If you agree, I upload it.

Looks OK for me but I did not test it yet. It would be nice if I could
do so this evening. If you feel the urgent need to upload, feel free to
do so nevertheless. ;)

Best regards

[0] Did not try it, will do so this evening.

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