* Christoph Berg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [201008, 18:34]:
> Hi,
> if I'm not mistaken, you need to specify a character set in the LC_ALL
> setting (and LANG/LC_something), so LC_ALL=it_IT should really be
> LC_ALL=it_IT.iso-8859-1 or it_IT.utf-8.

I tried any sort of combinations to no avail ...;(

> Of course your terminal needs to match the setting.

Not sure I fully understand what does that mean: any particular *.config
file to look at? 'charset=G0' to be changed to something else?

> A frequent error is to have config files, or more often, alias files,
> with the wrong character set. Make sure there are no legacy latin1
> characters in there if you are switching to utf8. (vim will often fool
> the user in thinking everything is right by converting things on the
> fly, but that will bite back more sooner than later.)
Neither Mutt nor Postfix config files contain non-ascii chars. As to
alias files to the best of my knowledge there is only one
/etc/postfix/aliases with no non-ascii.

> I'd suppose that your from header is affected by such a problem (even
> though there doesn't seem to be a non-ascii char, maybe the error
> message is just wrong).

Unfortunately I have no other clues. AFAICR something similar happened
when I switched from Sarge to Etch and then it was 'cured' by subsequent
updates. Probably the 'bug' is in glibc library (isn't the one
controlling locales?) judging from the great mess coming out when I
change LANG and LC_ALL to something different from 'C' or 'en_US|GB'.
I feel sorry not being able to be of further  help and for the time
being I'll stick to previous mutt version ...

Thanks for your help.

PS[OT]: as I greatly miss the possibility to send my mail to debian.org
from console/mutt whom should I try to contact to discover why my posts
are rejected?

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