package cryptsetup
severity 503101 normal 

On 25/10/2008 Michael Pobega wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 01:06:47AM +0200, Jonas Meurer wrote:
> > On 22/10/2008 Jonas Meurer wrote:
> > > I doubt that cryptsetup really stops your wireless from working.
> > > Instead, something else might have changed since you last recreated the
> > > initramfs file that causes this bug.
> > > 
> > > What happens if you simply remove cryptsetup and regenerate the
> > > initramfs file afterwards?
> > > 
> > > Is it possible to reproduce the bug over and over again (i.e: install
> > > cryptsetup - system is broken. remove cryptsetup - system works. install
> > > cryptsetup - system is broken. remove cryptsetup ...)
> > 
> > any news about the bug? I'm absolutely sure that your wifi troubles
> > don't have anything to do with cryptsetup.
> > 
> > Please provide more information. Unfortunately I'm unable to reproduce
> > the bug, as I've no hardware with wireless hardware.
> I think the problem lies in HAL. When I keep the device activated it
> works fine, but if I use my hotkey (Fn+F2) the device refuses to reload,
> dmesg reports that the device didn't respond properly and couldn't be
> loaded.

So did you test whether removing cryptsetup fixes the bug? Or does it
appear with any new created initramfs file no mind whether cryptsetup
ist installed or not? Please try to apt-get remove cryptsetup and make
sure that the initramfs is recreated.

On the other hand the functionality of your hotkey should not depend
on the initramfs as long as you don't want to use the hotkey early in
the boot process.

> I feel that I put this bug in the wrong place, I'll bring it up with
> madwifi when I get the chance, I'm sorry for wasting your time.

No problem, better to report it against the wrong package than not to
report it at all. Please try to debug it further to find out which
package it belongs to.

For now I simply lowered the severity to normal as we're in the last
phase of lenny release process, and release-critical bugs delay the
release even more.

If you're confident that this bug is release-critical and thus needs to
be fixed for lenny, you'll have to do further debugging, reasign it to
the correct package, append more information about how to reproduce it
and then raise the severity again.


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