On Sun, Nov 09, 2008 at 01:42:38PM -0600, John Hasler wrote:
> Package: timelimit
> Version: 1.3-1
> Severity: normal
> Timelimit errors out when the arguments to the commands have leading -'s
> unless the command is prepended with '--'.  Timelimit appears to eat up 
> everything
> starting with a '-' until it consumes a '--'.
> A simple fix would be to say in the man page (and the help) that the command 
> must
> always be preceded by '--'.

Well, this is actually bog-standard getopt(3) behavior, the same as with
many other utilities :)  But, yes, you are right, it might be surprising
to people who try this first with timelimit.

I will add a note to the manpage.  Thanks for the feedback!


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