Le dimanche 16 novembre 2008 à 22:38 -0700, John Gruenenfelder a écrit :
> Unfortunately, the system now behaves differently than it did before.

Maybe not so unfortunately: removing the broken trackpad patch should
have fixed the issue.

> So I killed the VNC session and started a new one, figuring that Gnome was
> starting g-s-d with parameters I was not passing.
> Previously, g-s-d would segfault four times and then Gnome would give up.
> Now, it segfaults once and then actually starts.  Also, I get the following
> error dialog text from Nautilus:
> "Nautilus can't be used now, due to an unexpected error from Bonobo when
> attempting to locate the factory. Killing bonobo-activation-server and
> restarting Nautilus may help fix the problem."

Does it also happen if you don’t have another running session on the
same host?

(BTW I thought nautilus didn’t use libbonobo anymore, that’s strange.)

> Even though it is usable now, it still segfaults once at startup.  What can I
> do now to debug this further?

Try removing the limit on coredump size (ulimit -c unlimited)
in .gnomerc and work on the core dump that g-s-d should produce if it

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