Package: installation-reports


Debian-installer-version: 15/06/2005 debian-31r0a-i386-netinst.iso from the debian website

uname -a: can't even get there so don't ask

Date: 15/06/2005



cut a cd from the image and booted off the same combo drive




self-built hardware as follows:

Gigabyte motherboard 7VT600P-RZ with VIA KT600 chipset

1024 MB RAM (2x512MB crucial sticks)

2 x Maxtor 120Gb SATA drive in RAID configuration (runs as VIA6420 RAID1 drive under Windows XP)

Samsung Combo SM 304-B


ASUS V9520-X V62.11 graphics card

NIC VIA Rhine II Fast Ethernet

neovo 17" TFT monitor

wireless keyboard and mouse into PS/2 ports(both)

broadband connection via USB into a Motorola Surfboard SB5100


Processor:        AMD K7 XP3200 processor (not overclocked)

Memory:                       1024MB

Root Device: this is where the problem lies.

Root Size/partition table:


1          boot      NTFS    6GB      Windows XP Pro SP2 installed

2                      raw       5GB      intended root drive

3          ext

 5                     raw       2GB      intended swap space

 6                     raw       5GB      intended var space

 7                     NTFS    30GB    programs and other data for WIN XP

 8                     NTFS    30GB    intended programs and other data

                                                for Debian, to be shared with Win XP

 9                     NTFS    36.5GB shared drive for data


Output of lspci and lspci -n: install incomplete, cannot run these commands


Base System Installation Checklist:

[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it


Initial boot worked:    [X]

Configure network HW:   [X]

Config network:         [E]

Detect CD:              [X]

Load installer modules: [X]

Detect hard drives:     [E]

Partition hard drives:  [E]

Create file systems:    [ ]

Mount partitions:       [ ]

Install base system:    [ ]

Install boot loader:    [ ]

Reboot:                 [ ]




The partition table is identical on both drives, which are configured as a RAID1 array using the configuration tool provided with the BIOS. Using the drivers from the Gigabyte CD, installation of Win XP was without problems.

When booting Debian from the above CD, it sees both hardware drives as independent SCSI drives and not as a RAID1 array.

The partitioning section of the installer won't allow me to combine the two drives without losing all data on them (which is obviously not what I want) and it cannot combine individual partitions into RAID sections either.


The hardware itself works like a dream (under windows, that is).


The Gigabyte CD and website do not give any clues regarding Linux drivers. On the other hand the RAID is done by a part of the BIOS and therefore should be visible as such to the installer.


Also a bit strange is the fact that my network configuration seemed to have a problem. When running under windows, the DHCP provided by blueyonder works fine. In the installer it would appear that the USB drivers are not included in the 2.6 kernel which I loaded and therefore no DHCP service is available. This seems strange as I thought the 2.6 kernel included USB drivers from the start ???


Any pointers will be much appreciated.


Please e-mail back to both these addresses:





For the courageous, here is my mobile phone number +44 777 3385 905.


We are running Debian at the company for all our main servers (except 2) and I need to get my knowledge up to

speed, so I really would like this installation on my home computer to work.




Wolfgang Schulze-Zachau

Package: installation-reports

Debian-installer-version: 15/06/2005 debian-31r0a-i386-netinst.iso from the 
debian website
uname -a: can't even get there so don't ask
Date: 15/06/2005

cut a cd from the image and booted off the same combo drive


self-built hardware as follows:
Gigabyte motherboard 7VT600P-RZ with VIA KT600 chipset
1024 MB RAM (2x512MB crucial sticks)
2 x Maxtor 120Gb SATA drive in RAID configuration (runs as VIA6420 RAID1 drive 
under Windows XP)
Samsung Combo SM 304-B
ASUS V9520-X V62.11 graphics card
NIC VIA Rhine II Fast Ethernet
neovo 17" TFT monitor
wireless keyboard and mouse into PS/2 ports(both)
broadband connection via USB into a Motorola Surfboard SB5100

Processor:      AMD K7 XP3200 processor (not overclocked)
Memory:         1024MB
Root Device: this is where the problem lies.
Root Size/partition table: 

1       boot    NTFS    6GB     Windows XP Pro SP2 installed
2               raw     5GB     intended root drive
3       ext
 5              raw     2GB     intended swap space
 6              raw     5GB     intended var space
 7              NTFS    30GB    programs and other data for WIN XP
 8              NTFS    30GB    intended programs and other data
                                for Debian, to be shared with Win XP
 9              NTFS    36.5GB  shared drive for data

Output of lspci and lspci -n: install incomplete, cannot run these commands

Base System Installation Checklist:
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it

Initial boot worked:    [X]
Configure network HW:   [X]
Config network:         [E]
Detect CD:              [X]
Load installer modules: [X]
Detect hard drives:     [E]
Partition hard drives:  [E]
Create file systems:    [ ]
Mount partitions:       [ ]
Install base system:    [ ]
Install boot loader:    [ ]
Reboot:                 [ ]


The partition table is identical on both drives, which are configured as a 
RAID1 array using the configuration tool provided with the BIOS. Using the 
drivers from the Gigabyte CD, installation of Win XP was without problems.
When booting Debian from the above CD, it sees both hardware drives as 
independent SCSI drives and not as a RAID1 array.
The partitioning section of the installer won't allow me to combine the two 
drives without losing all data on them (which is obviously not what I want) and 
it cannot combine individual partitions into RAID sections either.

The hardware itself works like a dream (under windows, that is).

The Gigabyte CD and website do not give any clues regarding Linux drivers. On 
the other hand the RAID is done by a part of the BIOS and therefore should be 
visible as such to the installer.

Also a bit strange is the fact that my network configuration seemed to have a 
problem. When running under windows, the DHCP provided by blueyonder works 
fine. In the installer it would appear that the USB drivers are not included in 
the 2.6 kernel which I loaded and therefore no DHCP service is available. This 
seems strange as I thought the 2.6 kernel included USB drivers from the start 

Any pointers will be much appreciated.

Please e-mail back to both these addresses:


For the courageous, here is my mobile phone number +44 777 3385 905.

We are running Debian at the company for all our main servers (except 2) and I 
need to get my knowledge up to 
speed, so I really would like this installation on my home computer to work.

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