Le jeudi 16 juin 2005 à 08:21 +0200, Rico Barth a écrit :
> otrs creates an failure if PostMaster.pl calls 
> through any other modules method 
> DBD::Pg::db::prepare from /usr/lib/perl5/DBD/Pg.pm. The output is:
> #############
> DBD::Pg::db::prepare('DBI::db=HASH(0x6000000001d94930)',
> 'INSERT INTO article  (ticket_id, article_type_id, article_s
> en...', 'HASH(0x60000000023841b0)') called at
> /usr/lib/perl5/DBD/Pg.pm line 202
>          DBD::Pg::db::do('DBI::db=HASH(0x6000000001d94930)',
> 'INSERT INTO article  (ticket_id, article_type_id,
> article_sen...
> ', 'undef', 'Test text', '2005/06/15') called at
> /usr/share/otrs/Kernel/System/DB.pm line 376

Truncated output doesn't help understand what's going on...

> It seems that's a problem of perl's dbd/pg.pm. Look at the following url:
>    http://www.mail-archive.com/dbi-users@perl.org/msg06944.html

I doubt that you're still encountering a bug dating back to 2001 !

Please try libdbd-pg-perl 1.42-1 from unstable and see if it fixes you
bug. 1.41-3 is known to have some bugs...

Raphaël Hertzog -+- http://www.ouaza.com
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