Le Thu, Jun 16, 2005 at 06:55:56PM +0200, Sergio Talens-Oliag a ecrit:
> I have received the following bug report for the smbldap-tools 0.9.0 Debian
> package, the user says that the system does not change the old password when
> using TLS and proposes to add the following lines after the line 346 of
> smbldap_tools.pm:
>        if ($config{ldapTLS} == 1) {
>             $userLdap->start_tls(
>                   verify => "$config{verify}",
>                   clientcert => "$config{clientcert}",
>                   clientkey => "$config{clientkey}",
>                   cafile => "$config{cafile}"
>             );
>          }

Thanks. Someone sent me this patch several days ago. I'll add this to the
next release.
Thanks again !

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