Hi Jonas,

thanks for getting back on this.

Jonas Meurer:
> Do you use any kind of bootsplash implementation, like splashy or
> usplash?


> how does your exact setup look like? is /home directly on top
> of the dm-crypt device, or do you use LVM?

It is directly on the device. No LVM involved.

> What exactly do you see on the boot screen? Are you asked for a
> passphrase input at all? If yes, how exactly does it look like?

The last lines just say something about bootlogd being started and some
other service. I can scroll back up to init starting, but I cannot find
the passphrase prompt.

> Please provide more information so that we're able to track down the
> actual bug.

I wish I could. What is strange is that on another new installation
(different hardware) with the same setup I don't have the problem at

>> What makes things worse (and this report Severity: important, at least
>> in my opinion) is that, more often than not, my keypresses are echoed to
>> the screen and don't get read by cryptseup at all.

I cannot confirm this anymore (not even with the package from unstable).
IMO this bug can be downgraded to 'normal' or even 'minor'. Maybe I was
just too impatient.

> I prepared a new upload of cryptsetup which fixes several bugs. Could
> you give that a try and report whether it fixes your bug as well?

Thanks for that. I tried that package, but it doesn't change the

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