This one time, at band camp, Andreas Metzler said:
> The location of the found sendmail is compiled into SENDMAIL_BIN and
> is used to fill SENDMAIL_VERSION_A (and ..._B and ..._C) which is
> refered to in clamav-milter.c. My build (with exim installed) has
> SENDMAIL_BIN=/usr/sbin/sendmail and empty SENDMAIL_VERSION*, otoh if
> the program was built on a machine with sendmail installed
> SENDMAIL_VERSION_A would be filled. rowsing over
> clamav-milter/clamav-milter.c I think this will indeed cause different
> behavior.

Yes, slightly, although I am not sure enough to make a significant

>           thanks, cu andreas
> PS: Of course I am not suggesting to Build-Depend on sendmail but to
> use --with-sendmail=/usr/sbin/sendmail _and_ to patch ./configure to
> not invoke /usr/sbin/sendmail to fill SENDMAIL_VERSION_A, but to
> hardcode values fitting the version used in debian.

It actually (oddly) gets filled in to /usr/lib/sendmail here, but I
guess since they're both symlinks that's ok.  Is /usr/sbin/sendmail the
canonical path to use?  If so, I will just do that.

As for the sendmail version, I think you're right - just defining them
in the milter after including the clamav-config.h ought to do it
(although it will break things for anyone compiling clamav with a
non-debian sendmail installed).

Hmm, have to think about this.  Maybe this needs grotesque Makefile
hackery - look for an environment variable, otherwise run gcc with
-DNO_SENDMAIL or something, and define _that_ in the milter to mean
SENDMAIL_VERSION=$(debian_sendmail_version).  That's starting to feel
like overkill, but it would easily allow people to rebuild against a
non-standard sendmail, which feels like the right thing.
|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                            |

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