On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 12:42:58AM +0100, Michael Biebl wrote:

The idea is, that if NM finds an interface, which it doesn't manage, that instead of reporting offline for that interface, it always reports online.
This is obviously a bit of a crude hack.
But still better than the current behaviour.

There is a patch floating around for NM 0.6 in one of the older Ubuntu releases,
which I could reuse (attached for reference).

Care to test this patch and give me your feedback?
Thanks for the patch. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to make any difference. I "apt-get source"'ed network-manager (yielding network-manager-0.6.6-2) and put your patch into debian/patches. I seems the patch was applied (there's a corresponding log file in debian/patches now), but NetworkManager reports no networks again (with the custom "up"-rule, that is). I don't know anything about the inner workings of NM nor about the d-bus stuff it provides, but maybe Sugar invokes a different code path? From what I could see in [1], it seems to use a d-bus interface(?) called "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Devices".

[1] /usr/share/sugar-presence-service/psutils.py

CU Sascha


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