Le mercredi 21 janvier 2009 à 20:49 +0000, Laurentiu Pancescu a écrit :
> I always get a segmentation fault if I disable the visual effects
> while a MP3 is playing (you can use one of the free German files
> from Deutsche Welle to reproduce the bug [1]). totem-xine terminates
> after displaying "Segmentation fault" in the console, and it logs the
> following message to the system log:
> totem[6951]: segfault at 10 ip b7b660f5 sp b38702a0 error 4 in 
> libxine.so.1.23.0[b7b3b000+46000]

Could you please install the totem-dbg and libxine1-dbg packages, and
try obtaining a backtrace with gdb, as explained in
http://wiki.debian.org/HowToGetABacktrace ?

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