unarchive 263514
reopen 263514 !
severity 263514 important

[Paul, I CCed you, as you're the original author of Gnus' nnmaildir
backend, as I understand it.]


I've just been hit by the same issue that has already been described in
<http://bugs.debian.org/263514>.  As this defect report has obviously not
been resolved correctly, I'm reopening it.  Gnus is rendered unusable for

For me, this issue didn't happen on a high-traffic list, but instead on a
machine's regular INBOX, where I had this Gnus / nnmaildir setup running
for several years.  Mail regularely showed up in the INBOX, was
processed, and then I set an expiry marker that would expire it after a
week.  Currently there are 269 messages in the INBOX.  However:

    tho...@kepler:~ $ find Mail/INBOX/cur/ -type f | wc -l
    tho...@kepler:~ $ find Mail/INBOX/.nnmaildir/num/ -type f | wc -l

As the latter ones are all hardlinks to the same `:' file, things broke.

This is on x86 Debian testing, Emacs package version 22.2+2-5, bundeled
Gnus version 5.11 (as per `/usr/share/emacs/22.2/lisp/gnus/gnus.el.gz').


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