close 461156

El Thu, Jan 17, 2008 at 12:29:37AM +0100, Cedric Cellier va escriure:
> My 4 years old boy noticed this bug while cycling through the animals
> with "Chamois" that was supposed to start with "B" (actually, the
> spelled word is "Bouquettin").
> I found another mistake like this one : "Le Daim" is uttered while
> "Chevreuil" is displayed.
> That should be fixed if the aim of the "game" is to help children to
> learn how to read. BTW, mine just learned how it is possible to report a
> bug instead - Well, as he first asked me if someone was about to come at
> home to repair the computer I'm not sure he understood the process very
> well yet :-)

I've uploaded a newer version of childsplay and a new version of 
childsplay-alphabet-sounds-fr that includes updated sounds for the lfc game.

As far as I know this version should be OK, feel free to reopen the but if
that is not the case.



Sergio Talens-Oliag <>   <>
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